How to Avoid Alzheimer’s Disease

We all want to avoid Alzheimer’s Disease…

There is no known cure for Alzheimer’s, but there are things you can do to slow it down or prevent it from happening. One of those things is to eat foods that are good for your brain.

The Mediterranean and MIND diets

One diet that shows evidence of reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s is the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish, and other seafood; unsaturated fats such as olive oils; and low amounts of red meat, eggs, and sweets.

The Mediterranean diet reduced brain shrinkage with age vs Western diet, reduced heart attack and stroke by 30%, and reduced plaques and tangles (hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease).

A variation of this, called the MIND diet (Mediterranean–DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) incorporates the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet and has also been shown to lower risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease.

The MIND diet showed a 53% reduction in Alzheimer’s when it was strictly followed, with a 37% reduction if subjects ‘sometimes cheated’. It also improved cognitive function (whereas the Mediterranean diet did not) and reduced the risk of Parkinson’s disease, breast cancer, glaucoma, and risk of dying from any cause by 37% over 4 years!


These plant chemicals found in most fruits and vegetables may play an important role in cognitive fitness and dementia prevention. Studies have shown a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s with increased intake of flavenols. Flavonoids can block beta-amyloid plaque buildup in the brain, a trademark of Alzheimer's, and block oxidative stress in the brain.

A variety of fruits and vegetables contain flavonoids. Some of the highest amounts are in berries, apples, citrus fruit, grapes, spinach, legumes, kale, broccoli, soybeans, onions, tea, cocoa, and wine. Some foods contain only one subclass of flavonoids, while others have several.


Though it’s always best to get your micronutrients from food, sometimes taking a supplement can help boost your health. Here are some brain-healthy supplements to consider, but getting the right dose and type are key - contact me to determine what’s best for you!

·     Fish oil – DHA and EPA

·     Vit D

·     Bs – lots of them

·     Magnesium

·     Probiotics and fermented foods

·     Brain nootropics – natural supplements that influence brain like matcha, caffeine, L theanine, ginseng, gingko biloba, creatine

Post these on your fridge and bring as your grocery list!

Unlike other risk factors for Alzheimer’s that we can’t change, such as age and genetics, YOU can control lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise and cognitive training. Post these on your fridge and use them as your grocery list as a reminder of how easy it is to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease!

With my PhD in Neuroscience, I can help you learn science-based ways to improve your cognition and avoid dementia!


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